Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Getting TeXShop to make acronym glossaries in LaTeX

I have no idea why this was so difficult. You need to make engine for TeXShop to create glossaries.
cd ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines
Now you need a text editor that can do ASCII files to create the engine. I called mine: make-glossaries.engine
bfname=$(dirname "$1")/"`basename "$1" .tex`"
makeindex -s "$bfname".ist -t "$bfname".alg -o "$bfname".acr "$bfname".acn
makeindex -s "$bfname".ist -t "$bfname".glg -o "$bfname".gls "$bfname".glo
Next you need to make it executable: chmod +x make-glossaries.engine
Once you restart TeXShop, you'll see "make-glossaries" in the drop down.