Wednesday, February 15, 2017

kicad IO_ERROR

I was getting some strange IO_ERROR warnings after my KiCad upgrade to 4.0.5.
IO_ERROR: footprint library path '/Library/Application 
Support/kicad/modules/Microwave.pretty'  does not exist from 
/Users/ansible/4.0.5/kicad-mac-packaging-4.0.0/kicad/pcbnew/kicad_plugin.cpp : 
FootprintEnumerate() : line 1786

IO_ERROR: footprint library path '/Library/Application 
Support/kicad/modules/Inductors_NEOSID.pretty' does not exist from
 /Users/ansible/4.0.5/kicad-mac-packaging-4.0.0/kicad/pcbnew/kicad_plugin.cpp : 
FootprintEnumerate() : line 1786
It seems that one of the developers left their path in the code somewhere. A reinstall of KiCAD fixed the issue. I guess I must have gotten the install packages while the error was in the wild as the reinstall was the same version.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Finding files in SVN that will be added or have updated.

As this is my blog for me to remember things, I keep getting this syntax incorrect:

svn status | grep "^[^?]"

I have a lot of documentation in my SVN tree, and intermediate files. For instance, I only keep .tex files but not the intermediate files or the final PDF in the repo. The command above shows everything that is NOT a "?" from svn status.