Wednesday, August 6, 2014

ERROR: Current execution environment is VCO=aoi. Software tree is for environment VCO=ixl

I updated Calibre into order to try to address a warning, and I ended up making a mess. The new error was:
ERROR: Current execution environment is VCO=aoi. Software tree is for environment VCO=ixl
Deep down in the bowels of Calibre I found an environmental variable that I could set to change behavior. We'll see how it works:
export USE_CALIBRE_VCO=ixl
No errors of doom so far, but that doesn't mean that it will work.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

virtuoso gives "bindkey uses Alt modifier and will be ignored"

I found that I had to update .cdsenv for my "alt-" macros. I was getting the error of "bindkey uses Alt modifier and will be ignored". I had to add "ui enableMenuShortcuts boolean nil" to my .cdsenv file. My current .cdsenv file follows:
license VLSL_UseNextLicense string "always"

layout          instLibName       string  "cmos14soi"
layout          ySnapSpacing      float   0.001
layout          xSnapSpacing      float   0.001

layoutXL        mfactorNames      string  "m M"
layoutXL lxFingeringNames  string  "fingers finger numFingers numFinger nf"
layoutXL  lxGetSignifDigits int 10

ui      enableMenuShortcuts     boolean nil

Friday, August 1, 2014

VirtualBox Guest additions, echo_success: command not found, consoletype not found, etc.

The VirtualBox guest additions for Debian are advertised as straightforward; however, they are not. The pages don't really give much information. To make matters worse, the file requires script support that is native to RedHat, which gives errors such as: echo_success: command not found.

Here's the how-to for Debian, line by line:
apt-get install build-essential module-assistant
m-a prepare
Now you need to install two files from RedHat from my links below:

Now when you run ./ after you mount the CDROM, all works well.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pocketpico Drivers

Awhile ago I designed an ammeter that I used for research. The PocketPico became a product of The device used a very good logarithmic regulator instead of a resistor ladder to create an ammeter that did not have auto-ranging issues due to relays.

The drivers are here:
The manual is here: pocketpico.manual.pdf

Saturday, June 28, 2014

IC6.1.5 to ICADV12.1

Funniest quirk when I upgrade to ICADV12.1:
*WARNING* clsInit failed: Can't determine host name. Locking is not allowed with host name 'localhost'.
I had to change my hostname and things worked. vi /etc/hostname

Saturday, May 24, 2014

cleaning up cdslck files in Cadence.

I created a script that finds all of the cdslck files and deletes them. Even if they are in SVN.
# This script files all cdslck files that Cadence creates and
# removes them.  This includes safe handling of cdslck files that
# have been committed to SVN.
FILES=$(find . -type f -name *cdslck*)
for f in $FILES
 #echo "Processing $f"
 svn info $f 1>/dev/null 2>&1
 if [ $? -eq 1 ];then
  rm -f $f
  svn rm $f

Thursday, May 15, 2014

creating a java jar file under Mac OS

In theory, this is easy. In practice, it is easy if you remember that you need a newline at the BOTTOM of the manifest file. The Manifest.txt just needs a new line, and it all works. It took me a few hours to figure this out. :/
Main-Class: testclass

And you just create the .jar file from your .class files:
jar cfm spicespi.jar Manifest.txt *.class
And then you can run it (or just click it in Mac OS.)
java -jar testclass.jar

Thursday, April 17, 2014

cadence spectre error (VACOMP-1008)

Debian and Cadence, it never stops. This was another one of those "huh?" errors that showed up after I added a single model. The model has analog VHDL in it. As usual, spectre failures are just symptomatic of some other issue. The first issue was that mpstat was missing, which I fixed with the systat package:
apt-get install systat
The next issue was something different:
/bin/sh: Illegal option -h
The issue here was the /bin/sh is a link to /bin/dash in debian. I changed the link to /bin/bash. Once that was resolved, I then had the next issue related to features.h:
/usr/include/features.h:323:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory
I solved this by:
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
This was followed by the inability to find ctri.o, which is solved by linking:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib64
because LD_LIBRARY_PATH has /usr/lib64 in it.

And suddenly, 14nm is simulating!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Strange Assura error, was not an error at all.

I was having a strange assura error
localhost:~/ic/cadence/ibm7sf> avlck:   ERROR: The command /tools/cadence/assura615oa/share/oa/bin/sysname returned an error status:
avlck: INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phase.
avlck: See the "OpenAccess Installation and Configuration Guide" before
avlck: you complete the configuration step. This manual is included with
avlck: the Cadence product documentation.

localhost:~/ic/cadence/ibm7sf>  /tools/cadence/assura615oa/share/oa/bin/sysname
This doesn't make much sense, and because of how huge Cadence is as a piece of software, it was probably something else. Assura actually runs a file called, so I did a chmod +x on it.
localhost:~/ic/cadence/ibm7sf> ./ 
/tools/cadence/assura615oa/tools/assura/bin/32bit/assura: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
Ah, it's shared library errors! "ldd /tools/cadence/assura615oa/tools/assura/bin/32bit/assura" will reveal the problems.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

lmstat file not found.

I was getting a file not found error from lmstat after a system upgrade. lmstat depends on, which doesn't exist on my system anymore. I fixed it with a link:
ln -s

Friday, March 28, 2014

spectre ERROR (SFE-675)

I had some issues with Spectre after an update. Firstly, I couldn't find, so I copied it into the mmsim directory library tree. Use "ldd" to figure out what is missing for Spectre. The next issue was a new one for me:
spectre ERROR (SFE-675)
You need to specify the type for "allModels.scs" in the ADS model options. I selected "tt" from the dropdown and it magically started working as magically as it stopped working.

Looking in the allModels.scs, the definition for the modes are given:
* "TT" corner : Nominal (default) process and Monte Carlo analyses
* "FFF" functional corner : "Fast" NMOS, "Fast" PMOS
* "SSF" functional corner : "Slow" NMOS, "Slow" PMOS
* "FS" corner : "Fast" NMOS, "Slow" PMOS
* "SF" corner : "Slow" NMOS, "Fast" PMOS
* "FF" corner : "Fast" NMOS, "Fast" PMOS
* "SS" corner : "Slow" NMOS, "Slow" PMOS
I was simulating subthreshold, so I've found that TT worked just as well as anything else because the BSIM models this was attached to don't do a good job at surface potential modeling.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

virtuoso: command not found.

Cadence switch from ic5141 to ic615hf; however, I'm not on redhat, but debian. That causes some issues. The first issue is
virtuoso: command not found.
apt-get install ksh

The next issue was that I did not have redhat, but you can force things with the environmental variable of
OA_UNSUPPORTED_PLAT linux_rhel40_gcc44x

Monday, January 13, 2014

drush stopped in 10.9

My drush broke. Also, macports seems to have broken their package. The fastest way to install drush on Mac OS 10.9 is via the command line:
sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 /usr/lib/php/install-pear-nozlib.phar
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear install drush/drush
The documentation is at

Thursday, January 9, 2014

cds_root: command not found.

I changed to a new computer and I had to reinstall my Cadence 5141. I came across something that I didn't expect when I ran icfb:
cds_root: command not found.
This was unexpected. In the dfII/bin/bin64 directory, I also found that there was a cds_root file and that worked fine. After some trial and error, I realized that ic5141 is probably 32-bit.

I have Debian as AMD64, so I had to add the i386 packages for 32-bit support.
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
and then you add the libraries.
apt-get install ia32-libs

screen resolution in virtual box

I've found that it's a bit interesting getting the correct resolution for my Mac when I am running X Window on Debian through Virtualbox. I have just had to play with resolutions until it works. You can see available resolutions with:
You then use the -s flag to pick something. Because I have a virtual machine, I picked something arbitrary.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Firefox on a bare Debian install

I wanted Firefox because I had a VPN plugin that I needed for a project. The "barebones" Debian installation that I did need some extra tweaking to work. There's an Ubuntu build for Firefox.
echo -e "\ndeb all main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver C1289A29
apt-get update
apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build
The issue next was that I was missing some libraries. You will need to get those libraries which were for audio and glib something. Just search for them in the packages and install them and it will all work.