Wednesday, August 6, 2014

ERROR: Current execution environment is VCO=aoi. Software tree is for environment VCO=ixl

I updated Calibre into order to try to address a warning, and I ended up making a mess. The new error was:
ERROR: Current execution environment is VCO=aoi. Software tree is for environment VCO=ixl
Deep down in the bowels of Calibre I found an environmental variable that I could set to change behavior. We'll see how it works:
export USE_CALIBRE_VCO=ixl
No errors of doom so far, but that doesn't mean that it will work.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

virtuoso gives "bindkey uses Alt modifier and will be ignored"

I found that I had to update .cdsenv for my "alt-" macros. I was getting the error of "bindkey uses Alt modifier and will be ignored". I had to add "ui enableMenuShortcuts boolean nil" to my .cdsenv file. My current .cdsenv file follows:
license VLSL_UseNextLicense string "always"

layout          instLibName       string  "cmos14soi"
layout          ySnapSpacing      float   0.001
layout          xSnapSpacing      float   0.001

layoutXL        mfactorNames      string  "m M"
layoutXL lxFingeringNames  string  "fingers finger numFingers numFinger nf"
layoutXL  lxGetSignifDigits int 10

ui      enableMenuShortcuts     boolean nil

Friday, August 1, 2014

VirtualBox Guest additions, echo_success: command not found, consoletype not found, etc.

The VirtualBox guest additions for Debian are advertised as straightforward; however, they are not. The pages don't really give much information. To make matters worse, the file requires script support that is native to RedHat, which gives errors such as: echo_success: command not found.

Here's the how-to for Debian, line by line:
apt-get install build-essential module-assistant
m-a prepare
Now you need to install two files from RedHat from my links below:

Now when you run ./ after you mount the CDROM, all works well.